Adding a New Committee Member

There is no limit on the number of members that can added to a committee.

To add a new committee member:

1.    From the Committee Members tab, click Add New Member.
The Customer Chooser displays.

2.    Search for and select the appropriate customer.
The Committee Member Details screen displays, as shown below.

The Customer Chooser search results will only return active customers.

3.    By default, the Begin Date is set to today. If necessary, select a different date from the drop-down.

4.    Select the committee Position from the drop-down.

5.    If necessary, select the Sub-Position from the drop-down.

6.    If necessary, select the End Date from the drop-down.

7.    Select the Participation Status from the drop-down.
The values are populated based on the non-fixed PARTICIPATION_STATUS system code for the COM subsystem.

This status is not tied to the Begin and End Dates. If the End Date is less than or equal to today, you must manually change the Participation Status to Inactive.

8.    Select the Voting Status from the drop-down.

9.    If necessary, click the Address link to change the customer’s address.

10.  If necessary, click the Represents link to search for who the customer will represent.

11.  If necessary, enter any Comments.

12.  Click Save.