Point of Sale (POS) Batches

In Personify, products can be defined as taxable. For non-point of sale (POS) sales, sales tax is calculated based on the ship-to location on the order line. For point of sale (POS) orders, though, if the product is defined as taxable, sales tax is supposed to be assessed on all orders, based on the location of the POS sale. 


This is accomplished in Personify by opening a point-of-sale batch. A point of sales (POS) batch is used when organizations conduct point of sale activities. POS orders typically require that sales tax be charged at the time of the sale. For example, an organization may hold an annual conference where they set up “stores” to purchase products, such as books and CDs. When a batch is defined as a POS batch, a country, state and warehouse must also be defined for the batch.  State tax is then calculated on each order line based on the sales tax definition for the location defined in the POS batch. See the Types of Warehouses for more information about POS warehouses.