FAR803 – Vendor Number Update

This batch process should be run after the vendors are updated in your AP system. It assigns vendor numbers by reading an ASCII or XML input file from the association’s AP system for master customer, sub-customer, vendor number, and vendor site number information. Produces an update report and updates the customer AP vendor table.


Parameter Description Required?
Organization The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. Read-only
Organization Unit The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report. Read-only
Subtitle This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading. No
Run Mode Mode in which the report runs:
  • EDIT – prints the report.
  • PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables.
Setup Code The abbreviation and numeral definition for the user-defined report/process setup. Yes
Input Text File This field is used to enter in name of the input file as well as its file path. Yes