FAR502 – Receipt Journal

This batch report provides a detailed view on receipt transactions. End users typically run this report on daily basis to see the cash receipts and at the end of the month end for cash reconciliation. The report provides details for every receipt selected, including the transfers and reversals. The report runs for every company and breaks each receipt into detail, such as orders to which the receipt is applied, transferred, or reversed in the receipt currency. An account summary is displayed, along with currency breakdown for the accounts.

Note.pngTo generate a daily receipt reconciliation report, simply run the FAR502 process with the desired batch as a filter in the FAR_TXN filter.


Parameter Description Required?
Subtitle This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading. No
Organization The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. Yes
Organization Unit The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report. Yes
Begin Date This field is used to select the beginning date for the receipt journal. All receipt activity on or after this date would be included in the receipt journal. Yes
End Date This field is used to select the beginning date for the receipt journal. All receipt activity before this date would be included in the receipt journal. Yes

Mode in which the report runs:

  • DETAIL – displays orders in register with accounting distribution and summary. Use this mode to supply batch detail.

  • NODETAIL – displays orders in register with summary, but no accounting distribution information.

  • SUMMARY – displays only the summary of the register. It is likely to use this mode for monthly cash reporting/reconciliation.


Display Credit Card No.

This field is used to display credit card numbers in the receipt journal. Enter Y to display credit card numbers or N to hide them.


Sample Report

Description: FAR502