FAR500 – Sales Register/Invoice Register

This batch report that provides a detailed view of sales transactions (Type = 4). Personify creates a sales transaction for every order line of the Order_Detail table when the order is saved. The Sales Register provides invoiced sales figures (sales transactions with invoice numbers only).


The date range controls the report output, which goes against the TXN_DATE of the FAR_TXN table. The report displays all sales transactions and other associated information (order number, line, invoice number, application, batch, product, and comments, if applicable). The detail section for each order line displays account details.


Parameter Description Required?
Subtitle This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading. No
Organization The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. Yes
Organization Unit The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report. Yes
Begin Date This field is used to select the beginning date for the range in which orders are displayed. All orders that have an invoice date after this field are selected for printing. Yes
End Date This field is used to select the end date for the range in which orders are displayed. All orders that have an invoice date before this field are selected for printing. Yes
Mode Mode in which the report runs:
  • DETAIL – displays orders in register with accounting distribution and summary.
  • NODETAIL – displays orders in register with summary, but no accounting distribution information.
  • SUMMARY – displays only the summary of the register.

The report lists the customer's ID and name but does not provide specific order information or product details.

Sample Report

Description: FAR500