This section explains how to set up a workflow that sets a different control as Active based on the value selected from a drop-down.
For this example, when a user selects “Student” from the “Currently a Student?” drop-down, the Education Information group box must display on the screen, and when the user selects “Non-Student” from the “Currently a Student?” drop-down, the Technical Interests group box must display on the screen.
To create Sample Setup 3:
1. On the Customer Update form within the Detail Page > IndividUpdate page, create a “Currently a Student?” label with a combo box next to it binded to the CustomerClassCode and two value options of “Student” and “Non-Student.”
2. Set
the CustomerClassCode drop-down’s
ValueWorkflowEnable property to “True.”
This ensures you can create the Decision Rule based on this control’s value.
3. Set
the ControlWorkflowEnable property
for the following pages to “True.”
This ensures both pages appear as options to set the controls to Active.
a. Education
b. Technical Interests
4. Select the CustomerClassCode drop-down.
5. Click
the (...) button next to the OnValueValidate
The Available Workflows window displays.
6. Click
The Workflow Designer opens with a new workflow file.
7. Drag
the Decision icon onto the workflow.
8. Right-click
the Decision icon and select Edit Workflow.
The Edit Rule window displays.
9. Click
the [build condition] link.
A drop-down of options appear including those you set ValueWorkflowEnable
as “True.”
10. Select
Customer Class.
“Customer Class” appears in the rule sentence.
11. Click the (...) link.
12. Under
the Compare section of the drop-down values, select “is equal to.”
13. Click the [value] link.
14. Type
“Student” and click Enter.
The final rule sentence should appear as below.
15. Click
The Edit Rule window closes.
16. Drag
the Set Active Control onto the YES line of the workflow beneath
the Decision icon.
17. Right-click
the Set Active Control icon and select
Edit Workflow.
The Edit Rule window displays with a sentence already started.
18. Click
“Name of the control to set visible attribute on.”
The controls you set the IncludeInControlValue property to “True” appear
in the list.
19. Select
20. Click
This ensures that when the user selects “Student” from the “Currently a
Student?” drop-down, the Education page displays.
21. Drag
another Set Active Control icon
onto the NO side of the Decision icon’s workflow.
22. Right-click this icon and select Edit Workflow.
23. This time, for the “Name of the control to set visible attribute on,” select Technical Interests.
24. Click
OK to save the rule.
The Edit Rule window closes and the workflow creation is complete.
25. From
the Workflow Designer menu bar, select the Save
The Workflow Name window appears.
26. Enter
a name for your workflow.
For example, StudentStatus.
can not include spaces in your Workflow Name.
27. Click OK.
28. Close
the Workflow Designer.
The new workflow displays in the Available Workflows window.
29. Select
your new workflow (e.g., StudentStatus) and click OK.
The Workflow Name appears in the OnValueValidate property of the Update
Now button.
30. Save the form.
31. You can now test your workflow by returning to your application, opening the form and searching for an Individual. Then click Update Now and select either “Student” or “Non-Student” from the “Currently a Student?” drop-down to ensure the correct page displays for either Education Information or Technical Interests.