Adding an Ad-hoc Transcript to a Customer

To add an ad-hoc transcript:

1.    On the Customer Transcript Detail screen, click Add Ad-Hoc Transcript.
The Transcript Program Chooser screen displays.

2.    Select the appropriate transcript program.
The Transcript Record Detail section automatically populates with the transcript program information.

3.    Enter the Activity Description.

4.    If necessary, select the CE Type/Credits.

5.    Enter any comments.

6.    If necessary, select a Credit/Certificate Date.

7.    If necessary, check the Verify checkbox.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Add Approved Transcript

Button. When clicked, the Generic Chooser screen displays. Search for and select an approved transcript program to add to the customer record. An approved transcript program is one recognized by the organization, perhaps through direct sponsorship or through sales of specific products.

Add Ad-Hoc Transcript

Button. When clicked, the Transcript Record Detail fields are enabled to add an ad-hoc transcript. An ad-hoc transcript is unofficial and created on-the-fly. It is not directly sanctioned by the association, but the association is willing to add it to the customer’s formal transcript.

Delete Transcript

Button. When clicked, the highlighted transcript program from the table is deleted.


Link. When clicked, the Transcript Program Chooser is displayed to search for and select a different program.

Program Title

Text box. The title of the transcript program. Click the “...” button to display the Program Title screen for editing the program title.

Program Dates

Read-only. The date the transcript program is available.

Activity Description

Text box. A free-form field to enter an ad-hoc activity. Only editable if adding an ad-hoc transcript.


Read-only. The name of the sponsor for the transcript program.

Sub Program

Text box. The subprogram of the transcript record.


Checkbox. When selected, indicates the transcript is verified. In some cases, the transcript may need to be manually verified here.

For example, if you contacted previous employers to verify a customer has 10 years experience.

CE Type/Credits

Drop-down and text box. The Continuing Education credit type and the number of credits earned upon completion.


Drop-down and text box. The exam name and grade the customer received on the exam.

Order Info

Read-only. The order information related to the transcript, if applicable.

Invoice Description

Read-only. The invoice description of the product related to the transcript record.


Read-only. The content type for the transcript program.

For example, Credit, Exam, or Program.


The activity type for the transcript program.

For example, Lecture or Meeting.


Text box. A free-form field to enter any comments associated with the transcript program.

Credit/Certificate Date

Drop-down. The date the certification was achieved. The Credit/Certificate Date must be after the Program Dates.

Official Transcripts Printed

Read-only. The number of official transcripts that have been printed. When a customer purchases a transcript product, the customer is receiving the right to obtain a defined number of official transcripts. Only a certain number can be printed for each customer. See Defining General Transcript Product for more information on defining this number.

Official Transcripts Purchased

Read-only. The number of official transcripts that have been purchased. When a customer purchases a transcript product, the customer is receiving the right to obtain a defined number of official transcripts. Only a certain number can be purchased for each customer. See Defining General Transcript Product for more information on defining this number.

Total Transcripts Printed

Read-only. The total number of transcript printed, including official and non-official.

Subscription thru

Read-only. The date the subscription ends. When a customer purchases a “Subscription” transcript product, the customer is purchasing the right to obtain official transcripts for a period of time. See Defining General Transcript Product for more information on defining this date.

Print Certificate

Button. When clicked, a certificate is printed for the customer.

Print Transcript

Button. When clicked, an unofficial transcript is printed for the customer. The total transcripts are incremented when printed. Unlike with official transcripts, you can print an unlimited amount of transcripts using this button.

Display Yearly Summary

Button. When clicked, the Yearly Continuing Education Credit Summary (TRN011) screen displays. This screen is read-only and displays the credits earned by the customer within a given year.