Before installing the CyberSource payment handler, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 must be installed. These packages should be installed on the middle-tier (application) server and in the server where the TRS interface service is installed.
see this website for more information on installing WSE 3.0:
To install WSE 3.0:
1. Locate the Payment Handler\CyberSource\Pre-requisite folder in the installation package.
2. Double-click the Microsoft WSE 3.0.msi file.
3. When
you double-click the msi file, you may get a warning message pop-up with
the title “Open File – Security Warning.”
Click Run to start the installation.
4. The
InstallShield Wizard for Microsoft WSE 3.0 displays.
Click Next to continue the installation.
The License Agreement screen displays.
5. Select
the I accept the terms in the license
agreement checkbox and click Next.
The Setup Type screen displays as shown below.
6. Select
the Runtime radio button
and click Next, as demonstrated
in the following image.
7. On
the next screen, click Install
to begin the installation.
A screen showing the progress of the installation displays. When it is
complete, the following screen displays:
8. Click Finish to complete the installation.