Defining Subscription Product Audit Requirements

The Product Maintenance main screen can track all the information required for ABC and BPA subscriptions audits. The industry you serve and the particular business rules you have established for your publications may require some customizations to this module to comply with the exacting audit rules established for you. The audit process validates the subscribers are legitimate so advertisers can validate they are spending their money wisely.

To specify audit requirements:

1.    Click Audit Requirements from the Subsystem Specific task category.
The Audit Requirements screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Select the Audit Agency from the drop-down.

3.    Check the checkboxes that apply:

·            Industry

·            Job Title

·            Job Function

·            Company Size

·            SIC Code

4.    Click Save.

Screen Element Description
Audit Agency Drop-down. Allows you to select the Audit agency.
For example, ABC or BPA.
Industry Checkbox. When checked, indicates that audit qualification information on a customer for an audited subscription product will require the subscriber’s industry code.
Job Title Checkbox. When checked, indicates that audit qualification information on a customer for an audited subscription product will require the subscriber’s job title.
Job Function Checkbox. When checked, indicates that audit qualification information on a customer for an audited subscription product will require the subscriber’s job function code.
Company Size Checkbox. When checked, indicates that audit qualification information on a customer for an audited subscription product will require the subscriber’s company size.
SIC Code Checkbox. When checked, indicates that audit qualification information on a customer for an audited subscription product will require the subscriber’s SIC code.
Field Served Text box.