Adding Authors and Articles to a Subscription Product

The Articles and Authors Maintenance screen maintains information on articles and authors and can also display an abstract of the articles listed. You can link authors and articles to an issue, but this screen is mainly used for tracking and reporting purposes.

To add articles and authors:

1.    Click Authors and Articles from the Subsystem Specific task category.
The Authors and Articles screen displays, as shown below.

2.    To add an article to the issue, perform the following:

a.    Highlight the appropriate row in the Issues table and click Add in the Articles section.

b.    Select the Article Class from the drop-down.

c.    Enter the Page Number.

d.    Enter the Article Title.

3.    To add an author to an article, perform the following:

a.    Highlight the appropriate row in the Articles table and click Add in the Authors section.

b.    Click the Author ID link to change the default Author ID, if necessary.

c.    Select the Participation from the drop-down.

4.    Click Save.

Screen Element Description


Add Button. When clicked, a new article is added to the issue
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted article is deleted from the issue.
Article Class Drop-down. The classification of the article. For example: Editorial, Research, or Fact.
Page Number Text box. The page number on which the article begins.
Article Title Text box. The title of the article.


Add Button. When clicked, the author of the article is added.
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted author is deleted from the article.
Author ID Link. The customer ID of the author. You cannot enter an unknown name. The author must be a customer.
Participation Drop-down. The classification of the author’s participation. For example: Author, Co-Author.