Home > Studio Tools > Application Designer > Formatting the Search Control
In Personify, most of the main screens (such as Customer Central, Product Central, etc.) start with a main query screen. This allows you to search your database for a specific record to modify, view, etc. When creating a new screen to be used in Personify, using the Standard Form, it is then necessary to create a search screen.
To create the search controls for a new screen:
1. Follow
the steps discussed in Creating
New Forms, selecting Standard Form as the form type.
A blank search screen appears in the main window as shown below.
2. It is now necessary to choose the Target Collection that this screen will be querying. For this example, the query will be for Customers.
3. Ensure that the drop-down at the top of the properties window reads [Your Form Name] (Form).
drop-down at the top of the properties box is important in that it indicates
which form or control you are working with at any given time. At this
time you are working with the form itself rather than the search control
or any of the other controls.
4. In
the Data section of the Properties window, click TargetCollection.
The API Collection Chooser window displays, as shown below.
API Collection Chooser is used to select the main collection to be used
for a form. API Collections are collections of records returned by the
Personify API.
5. Select
the collection that you want this screen to query.
For this example, the query will be for Customers. Double-click the CustomerInfo folder and double-click
Customers. This screen will now
use the Customers collection API when a query is performed.
6. Click
on the main section of the search page.
You will notice in the Properties window that the drop-down now reads SearchControl1
(SearchControl) and the parameters have changed.
Resources recommends leaving the Parameter Rendering setting (in the Properties
window when SearchControl1 is selected) to Auto. If you switch it to Manual
and manually add parameters, then change it back to Auto, your changes
will be lost.
7. From
the Misc group, select SearchParameters.
The Search Parameters window appears as shown below.
8. Click
the plus sign to
create a new search parameter.
A list of parameters appear in the right hand window.
9. Select
The API Property Chooser displays. These properties are elements of a collection
and can be:
· Data Table columns – Values stored in the representative tables. For example, a customer’s Label Name.
· Record sets – Sub-tables linked to the selected collection. For example, customer addresses.
· Generated values – Calculated values not stored in the Personify database. For example, a customer’s order balance.
10. Double-click
the property that you want to use as a query filter.
For example, LastName. The PropertyPath text box now says “LastName” and
other parameter values have defaulted.
API properties will create default parameter values. These values can
still be changed manually.
11. Repeat steps 6-9 to create as many search parameters as you want.
12. Click
The search parameters you have created appear on the form. Your work with
the Search Page is complete.