Importing User Permissions

The Import User Permissions (PSM012) screen copies the user permissions and personas across users.

To import user permissions:

1.    From the toolbar, select Security > Security Import and Reset > Import User Permissions.
Alternatively, on the User Maintenance (PSM001) screen, click Import Permissions to Other Users from the Work with User task category. Or on the Security Central screen, click Import User Permissions from the Security Setup task category.
The Import User Permissions screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Click the Source User link and search for the user who has the permissions you want to import to the target users.

3.    Select whether you also want the Security Groups and Personas imported as well.

4.    Select the appropriate target users.

Note.pngThe source user selected displays in the Target list with a red line through it so you can not select it.

5.    Click Next.
A summary of the users that will import the source user’s permissions displays.

6.    Click Import.

Screen Element


Source User

Link. When clicked, select the user who has the permissions you want to import to the target users. The source user selected displays in the Target list with a red line through it so you can not select it.


Read-only checkbox.

Security Groups

Checkbox. When checked, indicates you want the target users to import the security groups of the source user.


Checkbox. When checked, indicates you want the target users to import the personas of the source user.


Button. When clicked, the selected source user’s permissions are imported to the selected users.