Outlook 2010 Plug-In Overview

Note.pngThe information contained in this section is specific to Personify’s Outlook 2010 Plug-In. For more information on getting started using the Outlook application, please visit: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/getting-started-with-office-2010-FX101822272.aspx#3.

The Personify Microsoft Outlook Plug-In allows you to use Outlook to manage correspondence with your contacts using your Personify data.

Note.pngFrequently throughout the Outlook Plug-In and this Help system, we will refer to "contacts". Contacts are synonymous with Personify customers and constituents.

After the Personify Outlook Plug-In has been successfully installed, specific account settings can be configured. Then, you can perform the following tasks in Outlook:

Note.pngIf you work with multiple databases, once you have configured the appropriate Outlook 2010 Plug-In account settings, you can switch between the databases by selecting the appropriate database from the Select Personify Database drop-down on the Account Settings screen.

With the Personify Outlook Plug-In, you can perform the following tasks from Personify:


The last topic in this Help system contains the Troubleshooting and FAQs sections for a quick reference on any questions you may encounter while using the Outlook 2010 Plug-In.

Note.pngDo not use the Personify Outlook Plug-In to replicate your Personify database. Microsoft Exchange is not designed for high-volume email broadcasts. Instead, use the Personify Marketing component, along with Lyris ListManager or other email broadcast systems, for high-volume emails.

Data Flow

The data flow between Personify and the Outlook Plug-In for Personify is two-way. Using the web service, the Outlook Plug-In pulls contact information from Personify. This information can be searched on when adding a Personify contact to an email, meeting request, or task. Outlook then sends information back to Personify in the form on a contact tracking record.


The “Catalog Population on FTC_FTS_CUSTOMER_INFO” SQL job is responsible for retrieving any contact information that has been changed in Personify and displaying the information when you search for a Personify contact. By default this job is configured to run every 4 hours, but it can be changed if necessary by your system administrator.


See Also: