Defining Outlook 2010 Plug-In Security in Personify

You can indicate whether specific users should be provided with the ability to interact with Personify using the Outlook Plug-In. For example, you may want to give some users access to Individual searches, but not Company, Committee, or Sub-group searches.

To set access to Outlook Plug-In operations:

1.    From the Personify menu bar, open Security > Security Central.

2.    From the Security Central screen, click Define Security Group.
The Security Group Maintenance Search screen displays.

3.    Perform a search and select the group to which you would like to add Outlook permissions.
The Security Group Maintenance screen displays.

4.    Click the Assigned Access-points tab.
The access-point permissions that relate to Outlook begin with “OLK_.”

5.    Double-click the desired permission to grant that permission to the selected user group.
The red “X” becomes a green checkmark.

The available operations are:

·            Committee Search Access

·            Company Search Access

·            Create Contact Access

·            Email Contact Access

·            Search Group Members Access

·            Individual Search Access

·            Sub Group Search Access

6.    Click Save.

7.    Repeat steps 1-6 for all other security groups you want to have access relating to Outlook.