Each user needs to configure their own login information. This information should only have to be entered once per user, unless the user is accessing multiple databases.
To configure the login information:
1. From
the Personify Actions menu, click the arrow in the bottom right corner.
The Personify Account Settings window displays, as shown below.
2. If you are adding login information for the first time, proceed to the next step. If you have access to multiple databases and need to add login information for a new database, click Add Personify Database.
to edit an existing database, select the appropriate database from the
Select Personify Database drop-down.
3. From the Add Personify Database Connection Name section, enter the Name of the database.
4. From the Add Web Service section, enter the Web Service URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
web administrator can provide the correct path. For example, if the server
name in which the Personify Outlook Web Service was installed is serv1 and the default installation
steps are followed, the URI would be http://serv1/PersonifyOutlookWebService/PersonifyOutlook.asmx.
5. From the Log into Personify section, to connect to Personify using an active directory, perform the following:
a. Select Active Directory as the type of Account.
b. Enter your active directory User name and Password.
6. From the Log into Personify section, to connect to Personify using your Personify authentication, perform the following:
a. Select Personify Authentication as the type of Account.
b. Enter your Personify User name and Password.
7. If
necessary, click Test Connection
to make sure the URI was entered correctly.
If the connection works, “Connection successful” should appear next to
the Test Connection button.
8. From the Connect to Personify Database section, select the Organization and Organization Unit.
9. If necessary, select the Set this as default Personify database to use at startup checkbox.
10. Click Apply.
11. To close the Account Settings screen, click OK.