The order line status code always follows the default line status that is defined for the subsystem at the org unit level, unless the order line does not qualify for the defined default line status based on the order line product’s short pay rule.
To change the status of an order line, right-click the order line and select “Make Active” or “Make Proforma”, as highlight below. The status updates automatically.
line status cannot be changed from “Active” to “Proforma” once packing
slips have been printed.
working with Meetings with a waitlist, the waitlisting line in the order
is activated if the waitlist quantity in the order is less than or equal
to the active space available quantity in the product setup.
By right-clicking the order line, you can also perform the following:
· Delete – deleting an order line will remove the order line from the order. This is different than cancelling. In order to save the order, at least one order line must exist on the order.
· Cancel – order lines can be cancelled without a refund or with a refund. For more information, please see the specific section of the subsystem order line you want to cancel.
· Return – A return is different from a cancellation, because with a return you can select whether you want to trigger restocking fees for INV products. For more information, please see Returning an Inventoried Product.
· Renew – only SUB and MBR products can be renewed. For more information, please see
· Put On Hold – typically used for partially-paid orders
meeting orders lines cannot be put on hold.
you put a membership order on “Hold” the customer stops receiving member
benefits and is not included in member counts until you activate the order
· Expel - this would be a permanent decision by staff to remove a member from the association’s membership roster. All member benefits and renewal processes will ignore this status.
· Suspend - this is a temporary membership state that staff can set if an issue arises. All member benefits, member counts, and renewal processes exclude any customer with this status until a staff member reverts the customer’s Fulfill Status back to Active.
· Terminate-at-End - if a member calls Customer Service and decides that they do not want to continue membership after the end of their current period, then select this status. They will continue to receive member benefits until the membership End Date has past and the renewal process will skip this status.
· Transfer - when an order line is transferred to a new ship-to customer, the original line item Line Status will be “Cancelled”, the Fulfill Status will be “Transfer”, and a new line item will be added to the order with the newly added ship-to customer.
· Show Full line Item Detail – opens the Line Item Details screen to review line detail and pricing information and product specific information for the order line.