Viewing a Mobile Message Sent via the Notification Service

The Notification Sent Messages screen allows you to view copies of all of the messages sent by the notification system where the notification event has its “Save Copies of Sent Messages” checkbox checked.

To view emails sent by the notification service:

1.    From the toolbar, select System Admin > Notification Services > Search for Notification Messages.
The Search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Search for and select the mobile notification you want to view.
The Details screen displays, as shown below.


Screen Element


Master Customer Id

The master customer ID of the mobile recipient.

Message Id

The message ID of the mobile recipient.

Sub Customer Id

The sub customer ID of the mobile recipient.

Message Date

The date on which the mobile message was sent to the customer.

Message Title

Text box. This is the subject of the outgoing mobile notification.

Note.pngIf desired, the subject line can include replaceable data elements. Make sure to use the following format for the data element: ##Table Name##.
For example, “Confirmation of Order ##ORDER_NUMBER##” generates a subject line similar to “Confirmation of Order 10045.”

Message Text

Text box. This is the body text of the notification sent to mobile users.

Note.pngIf desired, the subject line can include replaceable data elements. Make sure to use the following format for the data element: ##Table Name##.
For example, “Confirmation of Order ##ORDER_NUMBER##” generates a subject line similar to “Confirmation of Order 10045.”

Message Action Label

Text box. If you want the user to be able to access a URL from the notification, this is the text that will display on the button. If you do not want the user to access a URL, do NOT enter a Mobile Action Label or Mobile Action URL.


Text box. If you entered a Mobile Action Label, this is the URL where the user will be taken when they click the Mobile Action Label button.

Message Expiration Date

Text box. The number of days the notification will remain on the user's mobile device, unless the user opts to manually delete the notification from their device.