Defining the Standard Notification Footer

You can define an HTML footer to include in your outgoing notification emails. When the system runs the notification service it will combine the header, body, and footer together as a single HTML document.

To define the notification footer:

1.    From the toolbar, select System Admin > Notification Services > Notification Footer Maintenance.
The Notification Footer Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Create New Footer.
The Notification Footer Maintenance detail screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Enter the Footer Name.

4.    Enter the Footer Description.

5.    Click Edit Footer Text.
The HTML Editor Dialog window displays.

6.    Enter the footer information (text, graphics, etc.) as you want it to display on your outgoing notification emails.

Note.pngOptionally, if you are comfortable with HTML code you can click the Code Window radio button. This opens a text field where you can enter an HTML code string.

7.    Click OK.
The footer displays in the Footer Text section.

8.    If necessary, uncheck the Active Flag checkbox.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Footer Name Text box. The name of the footer that you are creating.
Footer Description Text box. The description of the footer that you are creating.
Footer Text Read-only text box. After creating your footer using the HTML Editor Dialog window, your footer displays in this text box.
Edit Footer Text Button. Opens the HTML Editor Dialog window where you can create your footer using HTML code.
Active Flag Checkbox. Displays whether or not this footer is active.