Configuring the Events Module

The Events module provides a listing of meeting products available for viewing and/or purchase. You can configure how many days of events will be displayed when your users access the Events module.

To configure the Events module:

1.    From the S3 Mobile Apps Detail screen, click Events from the Features menu on the left.
The Events screen displays, as shown below.

2.    From the Events Window field, enter how many days of events you want to be displayed when the user accesses the Events module on their mobile device.
For example, if today is January 1st and you enter 30 days in the Events Window field, all meeting products with an Available from date between today and February 1st will display in the Events module.

Note.pngThe number of days starts from the Available from date in the back-office setup of the meeting product.

3.    In the Refresh Days field, enter the number of days before the next refresh of events.

4.    Enter the Add Agenda URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "AddAgenda" web service.

5.    Enter the Delete Agenda URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "DeleteAgenda" web service.

6.    Enter the Agenda URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "MeetingAgenda" web service.

7.    Enter the Attendees URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "SearchMeetingRegistrants" web service.

8.    Enter the Exhibitor Detail URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "ExhibitorDetail" web service.

9.    Enter the Exhibitors URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "Exhibitors" web service.

10.  Enter the User Registered URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "IsUserRegistered" web service.

11.  Enter the Session By Track URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "SessionListTrack" web service.

12.  Enter the Session Detail URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "SessionDetail" web service.

13.  Enter the Session URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "SessionList" web service.

14.  Enter the URL for List of Events URL. Fill in the information in red brackets below with the location of your "MeetingList" web service.

15.  By default, the Mapping File displayed is pulled from your packing configuration. If necessary, this javascript mapping file can be changed.
This file is used to show a map of your event with pinpoint markers on the sessions rooms and exhibitor booths.

Note.pngTMA Resources recommends that you consultant with your technical lead or business consultant before changing this file.

16.  Click Save.