Defining Miscellaneous Product Shipping Charges

Shipping surcharges can be defined and assessed for a line item if weight is not an issue. If desired, you can assign an override amount that explicitly defines a shipping price outside of any other calculation.

Note.pngShipping charges generally do not apply to miscellaneous invoice products.

To define the shipping charges:

1.    From the Define the Product task category, click Define Shipping Charges.
The Shipping Charges screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Click Add.

3.    Select the Ship-Via method from the drop-down.

4.    Select the Calculation Method from the drop-down.

5.    If necessary, enter the Shipping Surcharge or the Shipping Override.

6.    Select the Begin Date from the drop-down.

7.    Select whether the shipment is Domestic or Foreign.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Shipping Charges and Overrides


Button. When clicked, a row is added to the Shipping Charges and Overrides table and the Shipping Charge Details fields are enabled.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row is deleted from the table and the shipping charge is deleted from the product.

Shipping Charge Details


Drop-down. The name of the entity used for shipping the order, e.g., UPS, USPS, FedEx.

Calculation Method

Drop-down. How the Ship-Via organization calculates the shipping charge. For example, By Price or By Weight.

Shipping Surcharge

Text box. The amount of shipping that will be charged for this product over any other shipping amount.

Shipping Override Amount

Text box. The override amount only relates to this product. If a product must have special shipping, enter a value here. Otherwise, the shipping amount defaults to the standard.

Begin Date

Drop-down. On this date, as compared to the order date, this fee will be charged.

End Date

Drop-down. System-maintained field that indicates the end date of this rate. A trigger will set this as the day before the next rate defined.

Domestic or Foreign

Drop-down. When defining a shipping charge, you can differentiate them between domestic charges and foreign charges. Personify allows you to define which countries are considered domestic.