Multi-Price Session Template

Use this template for meeting sessions that include a complex pricing value or those that you want to define a revenue and deferred account for. For example, if a session needs to contain a rate structure or rate code, you need to use this template.


The Multi-Price Session template is made up of five (5) pages. Each page is represented in the table below.

Column Name Description


ProductId A reference number for the session you need to carry over to each page in the template.
ParentProduct The product code for the parent product the session code is associated with.
ProductCode The session name.
LongName This is the product name and describes the session. It is an alphanumeric field with approximately 120 characters.

The primary type of product, for instance, meeting or

break-out session. This is a fixed code, so only codes created on the Product Maintenance screen can be entered. The type entered here affects the choices for Product Class.

ProductClassCode Used to distinguish between break-out sessions and social events from general sessions. It can also be used to give a discount to a certain class of products. This is a fixed code, so only codes created on the Product Maintenance screen can be entered. The options available are determined by the Product Type of the Parent Product.
SessionTrackCode Used to describe session tracks for larger meetings with multiple sessions and link related sessions to a track. For example, Executive, Finance, or Tech. This is a fixed code, so only codes created on the Product Maintenance screen can be entered.

Meeting Product

ProductId A reference number for the session you need to carry over to each page in the template.
StartDate This sub-title of the product is used optionally on the Web and further describes the session.
EndDate The official published date and time the meeting session starts. Must be entered in the following format: D/M/YYYY 0:00:00 PM/AM.

Product Rate Code

ProductId A reference number for the session you need to carry over to each page in the template.
RateStructure This is a structure that defines a customer. They are defined during the system setup. Certain customers, such as members vs. nonmembers, receive special rates. The rates for these structures are defined in the Rate Code.
RateCode The established rate determines the pricing for the Rate Structure selected.

Product Pricing

ProductId A reference number for the session you need to carry over to each page in the template.
RateStructure This is a structure that defines a customer. They are defined during the system setup. Certain customers, such as members vs. nonmembers, receive special rates. The rates for these structures are defined in the Rate Code.
RateCode The established rate determines the pricing for the Rate Structure selected.
PriceBeginDate The date and time the particular session price starts. Must be entered in the following format: D/M/YYYY 0:00:00 PM/AM.
PriceEndDate The date and time the particular session price ends. Must be entered in the following format: D/M/YYYY 0:00:00 PM/AM.
Price The price charged for the product for that time period prior to any applicable discounts.

Product Revenue Distribution

ProductId A reference number for the session you need to carry over to each page in the template.
RevenueAccount This field is the offsetting income account. This is the account that will be used by a revenue recognition process. It is validated against the FGL_Account_Master table. However, a warning message will display if an account is selected that is not for the organization unit of the product. It must be a revenue account.
DeferredAccount This field is the account that is used for sales transactions. If no deferred revenue is to be recorded, this should be a standard revenue account. It is validated against the FGL_Account_Master table and must be valid for your organization. A warning message displays if an account is selected that is not for the organization unit of the product. It may be a liability or revenue account.