Setting Up Lockbox Parameters

The Lockbox Parameter Maintenance screen allows the Organization Unit to set up the parameters of the lockbox file upload process.

To set up your Lockbox Parameters:

1.    From the toolbar, select Accounting > Lockbox > Lockbox Parameter Setup.
The Lockbox Parameter Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

2.    On the left side of the screen, check one or more of the checkboxes.
The checkboxes selected will indicate which parameters will drive the processing of the lockbox file.

3.    Select a Receipt Type from the drop-down.
This will be your default if the receipt type is not provided on the incoming file.

Note.pngValues must match Personify codes for Check, Master Card, Visa, etc.

4.    Enter the Debit Account or click the link to find the file.
This will be the default account number if not provided on the incoming file.

5.    Select the Currency from the drop-down.

Note.pngFiles received in more than one currency will need to have their values changed prior to running the upload process.

6.    Enter the Input File Path or click the link to find the file.

7.    Enter the number of Ignore __ Header Lines. You may choose either 0 or 1; indicating that you wish to ignore none of the files or the first line from the file. This refers to any extraneous data that may be in a file.

Note.pngThis does not refer to the header rows defined in the master file mapping.

8.    Select the Date Format from the drop-down.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Create Auto Batch

Checkbox. When checked, a batch of lockbox transactions is created. If a Batch Date is not entered in the LCK001 process, the current date will be used as the default batch date.

Note.pngIf this box is not checked a batch must be created prior to running LCK100. Personify will look for a batch ID on incoming files and where none is provided, will defer to the LCK100 parameter batch ID.

Post Auto Batch

Checkbox. When checked, the upload process closes and posts the batch on successful completion of a POST run. If the process is run in LIST mode, transactions will not be posted.

Note.pngIf Create Posted Receipt is unchecked, the batch will not post.

Allow Addition

Checkbox. Allows the manual addition of records into the lockbox holding table. Batches can then include both lockbox and other receipts.

Pay Old Orders

Checkbox. When checked, the order number is not provided in the lockbox file, and Personify applies the amount from the oldest order having a balance to the newest order. With identical invoice dates, the order number is the deciding factor. Otherwise the record will be recorded as an error.

Note.pngThis checkbox works in combination with the Unapplied Receipt and Pay Above Balance checkboxes.

Unapplied Receipt

Checkbox. When checked, the order number is not provided in the lockbox file, Personify creates an unapplied receipt for the given amount, if the checkbox is not marked, the record will be recorded as an error.

Note.pngIf Personify receives a receipt for an already paid order, it will create an unapplied receipt UNLESS the Pay Above Balance checkbox is checked.

Pay Above Balance

Checkbox. If this checkbox is selected, the remaining amount ends up as a credit balance.

Create Posted Receipt

Checkbox. When checked, the receipt will be posted and distributed as soon as the entry is put in the Far_Txn table. If you do not select this checkbox, the receipt will not be distributed until a Batch is posted.

Note.pngThis setting only applies when LCK100 is run in POST mode.

Add Decimal to Amounts

Checkbox. When checked, the LCK100 process will add decimal points according to the currency precision (the value in the APP_Currency.Currency_Precision table). For example, 456 = 4.56 for USD. If the currency is not specified in the mapped input file, then the system uses the currency from the LCK_Parameter table.


When unchecked, the LCK100 process expects that decimal points in the Amount fields already exist in the input file. The system will view all amounts explicitly as they come in through the input file. For example, 456.00 = 456.

Receipt Type

Drop-down. This will be the default receipt type if it is not specified on the incoming file.

Debit Account

Link and text box. This will be the default account number if not specified on the incoming file.


Drop-down. Selects the default form of currency that will be used for incoming files.

Input File Path

Link and text box. The destination file folder for incoming data.


Text box. Can be either “1” or “0.”

Date Format

Drop-down. The format you wish the date to be shown as.