Define the following System Parameters for the Fundraising subsystem using the System Parameter Maintenance (APP008) screen:
· DEFAULT_PLEDGE_PERIODS – Identifies the default number of scheduled payments that will be created for a pledge donation. The base default is “12.”
· DEFAULT_PLEDGE_PYMT_FREQUENCY – Identifies the default payment frequency for scheduled fundraising pledge payments. The base default is “Monthly.” If you do not want a payment schedule, then set this to “IMMEDIATE.”
· FND_GENERAL_INFO_URL – The URL that needs to be shown in Fund Event Master screen.
· APPLICATION_IMAGES_URL – The URL where the customer pictures are hosted for displaying in the Donor360® screen.
Personify utilizes a hierarchy called “Pay Priority” to determine which product in a multi-line order will be paid if the amount is not enough to pay all lines.
Cash donation products have special payment rules that can affect the balance on an order. Because cash products use the “Adjust Payment" feature, their sales amount will increase or decrease depending on the amount of payment left after the other order lines are paid. As a best practice, TMA Resources recommends that the Fundraising subsystem payment priority be the lowest in the system. If there is an overpayment on the order, the donation product will adjust up to balance the order to zero. If there is no money left for the donation line, the amount will adjust to zero.
See Defining Fundraising Gift GL Accounts for more information on assigning the payment priority between products within the Fundraising subsystem.