You can add contacts for the booth on this screen. Contacts can include an emergency contact, a board member, or a family member.
you can access the stand alone Booth Contact screen from the Maintain
Booth Contacts task in the Work with Line Items task category.
This task is only available for Booth products. For more information,
please see Creating a Booth
Rental Product or Creating
a Booth Share Product. The Booth Contacts screen contains the same
information as the Booth Contacts tab on the Booth Details screen.
To add a booth contact:
1. Right-click the booth line item and select Maintain Booth Details.
2. From
the Booth Contacts tab (shown below), click Add Contact.
3. Select
the Contact Type from the drop-down.
This is the group to which the contact belongs. For example, Advertising,
Chapter, or Political.
4. Select the Relationship the contact has to the customer from the drop-down.
5. Enter the Contact name.
6. Enter the Phone, Email, and/or Fax number.
7. Click Save.