Identifying Potential Duplicate Customers

When you create a new customer and the Online_Dup_Cust_Check application parameter is set to “Y,” the system automatically checks for potential duplicates. First, you must validate the proper address to use, and then if needed, the Potential Duplicate Customer screen displays where you can select an existing customer or create the new customer anyway.

To select the appropriate option on the Potential Duplicate Customer screen:

1.    Create a new constituent.

2.    When you click Validate Address or simply save the new customer, the Address Validation screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Verify there were no errors in the System Generated Address Error section. If errors were found, then correct the address or contact your system administrator for more information.

4.    If necessary, check the Make Deliverable checkbox.
When checked, indicates the status of the address is “Good.”

5.    If necessary, select the Override Code.
This is the code that must be used to override the address. This is required if you check the Make Deliverable checkbox.

6.    Select the appropriate radio button that you want to accept as the address used.
Options include the User Entered Address or the System Generated Address.

7.    Click Accept.

8.    If the address entered is similar to another address in the system, the Potential Duplicate Customer screen displays, as shown below.

9.    Perform one of the following:

·            Highlight a record and click Use Selected Customer.
The selected customer displays in the Customer Central screen and the new customer is not saved.

·            Click Continue Saving to return to the Create a New Customer screen and continue adding the new customer.
The customer opens in the appropriate screen.