CAP100 – CapWiz Integration

CapWiz is web-based, third-party advocacy software that allows organizations to lobby for support on various legislation issues. This software provides organizations a set of tools for reaching out to their constituents to drive these lobbying efforts. A list of constituents is matched to their legislative districts and asked to communicate with their representatives regarding specific legislation.


The CAP100 batch process integrates CapWiz into the Personify system. CAP100 pulls data from the CapWiz database into the Personify database. This data updates members in the Personify database in regards to allowing advocacy and flags them appropriately.


The CAP100 report details what members of your organization have been updated with information from the CapWiz database.


Before the report is run, you can select which fields you want to be updated in Personify. The following fields can be updated: Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, and Advocacy. Check or uncheck the corresponding checkboxes to your preference.


When you run the report, you have the option of Loading and Processing (LOAD_PROCESS), Loading Only (LOAD), or Processing Only (PROCESS).

·            LOAD_PROCESS – Loading and Processing loads the information from CapWiz and updates the customer-related tables.

·            LOAD – Loading only loads information from CapWiz.

·            PROCESS – Processing only updates the customer-related tables (this assumes that the information from CapWiz has already been loaded). The benefit to loading and processing separately is that it allows you to edit the information loaded from CapWiz before it is processed into Personify. There may be errors you need to fix or tables/information that need changing before they process.





Org Read-only. Set to the organization ID of the person running the report. Read-only
Org Unit ID Read-only. Sets to the organization ID of the person running the report. Read-only
Run Mode
  • LOAD_PROCESS – Loading and Processing loads the information from CapWiz and updates the customer-related tables.

  • LOAD – Loading only loads information from CapWiz.

  • PROCESS – Processing only updates the customer-related tables (this assumes that the information from CapWiz has already been loaded). The benefit to loading and processing separately is that it allows you to edit the information loaded from CapWiz before it is processed into Personify. There may be errors you need to fix or tables/information that need changing before they process.

Load TRS Job ID The TRS Job ID of earlier successful load run.  Applicable only when the RunMode is PROCESS. No
Update Name Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes
Update Address Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes
Update Phone Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes
Update Fax Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes
Update Email Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes
Update Advocacy Info Checkbox. Default is checked. Yes


Sample Report