Adding Resume or Related Documents

The Resume/Related Documents screen enables you to add and maintain customer-related documents. TMA Resources recommends you append the document name with the Master Customer ID so that documents are stored on the server by Master Customer ID. If document already exists, select the document and click Open Document to view the document.

To add a resume or related document:

1.    Click Resume from the Demographics task category.
The Resume/Related Documents screen displays on the Demographics tab, as shown below.

2.    Click Add.
A pop-up window displays.

3.    Locate the appropriate document and click Open.
The highlighted document is copied to the local TEMP folder and opened using the Windows standard file relationships. The Related Document name and Related Document Date automatically populate with the document information.

4.    Select the Related Document type from the drop-down.
Values are populated based on the non-fixed CUS "CUSTOMER_DOCS" system type.

5.    If necessary, select the Sub-Document type from the drop-down.
Values are populated based on the subcodes defined for the non-fixed CUS "CUSTOMER_DOCS" system type.

6.    By default the Related Document Date is set to today. Change this if necessary.

7.    If necessary, enter any Related Comments.

8.    Click Save.