Adding Advertising Products and Services

For certain types of publications, such as a Buyer's Guide, the products and services sold by the advertiser are listed as part of the advertisement. Products/services are identified by a category code and an optional subcategory code, as well as by a brand name. A description can also be entered.


Often, the advertisers and exhibitors that an organization deals with are the same company, but some organizations want to keep the products/services identified for advertising orders separate from the products/services identified for exhibition orders. To support this, two flags exist in the Cus_Product table: DEFAULT_TO_SHOWS_FLAG and DEFAULT_TO_ADV_ORDERS_FLAG. When products/services are copied into an advertising order line, products/services where DEFAULT_TO_ADV_ORDERS_FLAG = 'Y' are automatically copied.

To add products and services:

1.    From the Advertising task category, click Products/Services.
The Products and Services screen displays on the Advertising tab, as shown below.

2.    Click Add.

3.    Select a Product Classification from the drop-down menu.

4.    Select a Product Sub Classification from the drop-down menu, if necessary.

5.    Enter a Product Name (Trademark).

6.    Click the Default To Advertising checkbox, if necessary.
This will automatically default the product to all advertising products this advertiser purchases.

7.    Click Save.