The following steps apply only if you are using the Data Analyzer tool and you have purchased the Data Analyzer Content.
All users have Data Analyzer functionality; however, the content must be purchased.
To import information into your current BOE deployment:
1. From your Windows Start menu on your BOE Server, open the Import Wizard:
Start > BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Import Wizard.
2. Click Next.
3. Select Business Intelligence Archive Resources (BIAR) File from the Source drop-down as shown below.
4. Click Browse (...) as indicated in the image below.
5. Locate and select Personify740.biar at the following file path:
...\Business Objects\Fresh Install\Report Biar directory.
If the installation is an upgrade, please select the Personify740_Upgrade.biar file located in the following directory:
...\Business Objects\Upgrade\Report Biar.
6. Click Open to fill the file path in the BIAR file entry field.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter the CMS Name, which is the server on which BusinessObjects is installed.
9. Enter the user name and password with administrator access to BusinessObjects.
10. Click Next.
11. Uncheck all options.
12. Select Import folders and objects and Import universes as shown in the image below.
13. Click Next.
It will prompt the following warning:
14. Click Next.
15. Uncheck everything.
16. Click Next.
It will prompt for the following warning:
17. Click Next.
18. Click Select All and click Next.
19. Click Next.
20. Click Next.
21. Click Finish.
It will prompt the following screen; wait until Done is enabled.
22. Click Done.
23. Check for any errors.
24. Login to InfoView with the Administrator account.
25. Copy the contents of the Sample Reports folder to a Sample Reports folder inside the default environment folder.
26. Open the universe design tool Designer with the Administrator account.
27. Import the Data Analyzer universes.
28. Change the database connection to the Personify OLTP database connection
29. Export the universes with the updated connection to the environment's default universe folder (as copies of the original universes).
Moving the universe to a new folder will prompt the user to either create a copy or to move the original universe.
30. Login to the CMC.
31. Navigate to the root Universe folder.
32. Set the security rights on each of the uploaded Data Analyzer universes for the Everyone group to “View on Demand”.