Maintaining Ad Creative Classifications

When organizations keep ad creatives for re-use by their advertisers, you need to be able to find the ad creative record. For this reason, you can set up search criteria so that in the future you can query for the ad creative, should the need arise.

To set up the ad creative classifications:

1.    From the Ad Creative Detail task category, click Maintain Ad Classifications.
The Ad Classifications screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Select a Category from the drop-down.

3.    Enter a Search Keyword.

4.    Enter a Subject.

5.    Enter a Campaign.

6.    Enter a Caption.

7.    Enter a Tag Line.

8.    If necessary, select the House Ad checkbox. This indicates the advertisement was created “in house.”

9.    If necessary, select the PSA Ad checkbox. This indicates the advertisement is a Public Service Announcement.

10.  Click Save.