Advertising Media Creation

An advertising media is the place where an advertiser’s advertisement runs. An advertising media can be any item, event, or thing that accepts advertising or sponsorships. For example:

·            Magazines

·            Journals

·            e-Newsletters

·            Websites

·            Directories

·            Coursebooks

·            Meetings

·            Exhibitions


When an advertising media is defined it must be linked to a related product. In the case of issue-based publications, it must be linked to a subscription product so the advertisements can be sold for the correct issues.


Linking advertising media to related products allows the Advertising Invoicing batch process to identify the invoicing date. Advertising insertion orders are usually not invoiced until the advertisement is seen by the customer. For print advertisements, this would be the fulfillment date of an issue, for meetings, the meeting start date, for Web advertisements, the date the advertisement first appears, etc.


In Personify, the advertising media code serves as the parent product code for all advertising products sold for the advertising media. You can copy an advertising media and its products to create a new advertising media (with a new media code) with the same products.


From the Advertising Media Maintenance (ADV000) screen you can:

·            View general set-up information for advertising media

·            View advertising products for advertising media

·            View insertion orders for advertising media

·            View advertisers and advertisement agencies linked to insertion orders for the advertising media

·            View contacts for advertising media

·            View production dates and other information

·             Assign pages to insertion orders