Advertising Code Central

Before working with the Advertising subsystem, it needs to be set up according to your organization’s specific needs and requirements. The Advertising subsystem uses System Types and Codes, but also has a set of user-defined advertising specific codes used for defining advertising product codes. Advertising code maintenance has been broken up into four separate screens, all of which are accessible from the Advertising Code Central (ADV005) screen:

·            Advertising Types (ADV005a) – This is where you define the code for the type of advertisement. For example, a pop-up ad for the Web, an insert for a publication, a banner at an exhibition, etc. While the system comes with product and ad type codes, the system codes are fixed. These advertisement type codes are user-defined allowing you to define more advertisement types.

·            Advertising Sizes (ADV005b) – This is where you define the size of the advertisement. Ad size codes vary based on whether the ad size is related to a print advertising product or a Web advertising product.

·            Advertising Color Webmedia (ADV005c) – This is where you define codes related to color for print advertising products or related to animation or audio for Web advertising products.

·            Advertising Premium Positions (ADV005d) – This is where you define the premium position for the advertisement. For example, if the advertisement is on the inside of the front cover of a magazine, if it is on the back cover, on the home page of a website, etc.