Defining Revenue Account Pairs

Revenue and deferred revenue account pairs are defined by subsystem. They are set up at the org unit level and when each account is chosen, the company with which it is associated will automatically be indicated. Each subsystem can have more than one revenue/deferred revenue account pair. This is the setup for all valid account pairs. When a particular product is set up, the relevant account pair will be chosen.


For each account pair, the financial company for the accounts must be defined, but the financial companies for each account can be different.


These accounts can be defined at a centralized place for each subsystem. Once defined here, they are available to product managers when defining products. Defining these pairs in this screen prevents mistakes during product setup.

If the deferred account is the same as the revenue account, only the revenue account will be used.

To define revenue pairs:

1.    From the toolbar, select System Admin > Organization Structure > Organization Unit Definition.

2.    Search for an organization unit and select it.
The General System Parameters screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance displays.

3.    From the Default GL Accounts task category, click Revenue Account Pairs.
Alternatively, on the GL Accounts Maintenance screen, click Define Revenue Pairs from the GL Maintenance task category.
The Organizational Unit Maintenance: Revenue/Deferred Pairs screen displays.

4.    Click Add.
The Account Pair Detail fields are enabled.

5.    Select a Subsystem from the drop-down.

6.    Click the Revenue Account link.
The Account Chooser screen displays. Search for a revenue account and select it.

7.    Click the Deferred Revenue Account link.
The Account Chooser screen displays. Search for a deferred revenue account and select it.

8.    If necessary, check the System Default checkbox.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element Description
Add Button. When clicked, a row is added to the table and the corresponding fields are enabled to add a revenue account pair.
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the table is deleted.
Subsystem Drop-down. The subsystem associated with the account pair. The accounts set up for the subsystem are defaulted during product setup.
Revenue Account Link. The revenue account into which deferred revenue is recognized.
Deferred Account Link. The deferred revenue account associated with the account pair. The sales transaction always references this account. This account is used if revenue has not been earned yet. Periodically, this revenue is moved to the revenue account in a process called amortization.

The Fundraising subsystem typically does not use deferred accounts.

System Default Checkbox. When checked, indicates the account pair is the default for Personify.