It is important to remember that as an ABS administrator, the different settings you create within your submission types effect the view of both the submitters and reviewers. Additionally, the different selections and choices made by a submitter during the creation of the submission also influences the view of your reviewers.
· Prior
to being assigned as a reviewer, customers who visit your abstracts page
will only see the My Submissions section on their ABS Home page, as shown
· After
being assigned as a reviewer, assigned customers see a new section "Reviewer
Inbox” on their ABS home page, as shown below:
· Once
reviewers are assigned a submission to review, it displays in their inbox
as an “Invitation to do a Review”, as shown below:
· The Inbox is sorted by Due Date, with the most recent submissions displaying at the top. The grid can be sorted by Type, Submission Title, and Due Date by clicking the column heading. The reviewer can select a second column to sort after first sort is completed.
· From
the Inbox, the reviewer can click View
Details to display the Invitation to Score a Submission page, which
is discussed below.
· The
Invitation to Score a Submission page displays when the reviewer clicks
View Details from the ABS Home
page, as shown below:
· This screen displays the following:
o Title of the submission
o Name of the call
o Submission type
o Review process type (single blind, double blind, or open)
o Review due date
o Submission information
o Ability to accept or decline the submission
· If
reviewers choose to accept the review invitation, they would click the
Accept Invitation button, as shown
Once the reviewer clicks this button, the Submission Details page displays,
which is discussed below.
· If
reviewers choose not to accept the review invitation, they would click
the Decline Invitation button,
as shown below.
A window displays asking why the reviewer chooses to decline:
The decline description codes available to the reviewer are created in
system types and codes (ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_REASON). After selecting a reason
code and clicking Decline Invitation, the invitation is removed from the
reviewer’s Inbox. if so, need to fix the system types and codes description.
If reviewers choose to accept the invitation, they
would click the Accept Invitation
button. Upon clicking this button, the reviewer is directed to the Submission
Details page where he/she can view the submission, its attachments (if
any), and score the submission:
the reviewer clicks Print Submission,
a pop-up window displays a printer-friendly version of the submission.
The reviewer must have previously set his/her browser to allow pop-ups
for the site for this to work properly.
When reviewers are ready to enter their score
for the submission, they will click either the Score
this Submission button, or the Review
and Scoring tab. The reviewer questions and settings created during
the submission type setup display:
Before submitting a score, a reviewer may request for more information
from the author in order to better evaluate or understand the submission.
To do so, the reviewer must click
Request More Info.
This displays a pop-up window with a text
box for the reviewer to submit his/her questions for the author, as shown
Upon entering any questions in the text box and clicking Send and Hold, the Abstract Needs Author Revision Alert sends an email to the author containing the reviewer’s questions and places the submission on HOLD. The HOLD status restricts any other reviewers from submitting scores on the submission until the author re-submits his/her submission with the necessary changes based on the reviewer’s request for more information.
an administrator, you can remove the Request for More Info hold from the
submission by navigating to the submission’s detail screen and clicking
the Remove link. By removing
this hold, you remove the restriction put on other reviewers from entering
their scores/reviews.
After entering his/her score and clicking Save and Submit, the reviewer’s score is submitted to your database and the submission is moved from the reviewer’s Open Review page to the Completed Review page. The reviewer can go to the Completed Review page and change the score he/she entered up until the due date. Alternatively, the reviewer may choose to work on the score and click Save and Finish Later. Doing so, will give the submission a status of "Pending Review" and the reviewer can click Work on Review to continue working on the review at a later time.
The reviewer can click Print Submission to open a pop-up window that displays a printer-friendly version of the submission. The reviewer must have previously set his/her browser to allow pop-ups for the site for this to work properly. Use the back arrow in the browser to return to the Submission Details page.
Below is a sample
of a printed submission for a reviewer conducting a blind review.